
Showing posts from November, 2019

Lapis Lazily for your jewelry

Lapis lazuli is one of the oldest stones available to mankind. It is believed that it has been around for more than 6,500 years. Historically, the stone has been ground up to create eyeshadow for women; it has also been used by the famous Italian artist Michelangelo to create the beautiful aquamarine colored pigment for many of his paintings. In jewelry, lapis lazuli is a metamorphic rock and has been fashioned into beads and then crafted into jewelry. These stones have been mostly mined in Afghanistan, but now are also mined in Pakistan, Russia, and Chile. Many still opt to set it in custom jewelry Issaquah and all over the world. The stones with a deep and intense blue tone are more expensive than the ones which have a greenish tinge to them. Imitation lapis lazuli is very common, with many choosing to simply dye cheaper sodalite or cheaper calcite. It is important to question the source of the stones and buy from reputed dealers. Intense and flawless stones are very...